
Feb 13, 2011

I give you this heart..

I found this heart, on one of the shelves we like to call our Cabinette du Curiosites.  
  Sandstone cubicles  where things of curios and question value is continually added and left..
The heart is carved out of stone and  amongst finds collected mostly from walks on the beach, objects that friends added, stone balls, wood carvings, quirky market finds..just all simple nothings but curios with memories..

Just a few steps down from the house, there is a boardwalk that take us to our "special" place where we collect shells and driftwood. Today was such a day. It was a perfect summers day

the beach house:

Dd is growing up so seems like just the other day we took this stroll

there is excitement in a stroll down to the beach , every time..

still the same favorit tin pail to collect treasures..

Have a delightful Saint Valentine's day !


Vermont ~ South Africa


  1. Your cabinet de curiosite is filled with the most fabulous finds. What fun it must be to see each piece and remember the day or the friend that gave it to you.
    Lovely seeing your daughter walking the beach and the changes as she grows up.
    great post! and Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Great post Colette! I really enjoyed the visit to the beach house. Love your cabibnet de curiosites representing so many wonderful memories. Vanna

  3. Of course you would have such beauties for me to be inspired by in my good night dreams.

    The cabinet and shelf unit is a vision of treasured finds I could adore as well.

    Always enjoy your postings...Of course when I need to feel fufilled with the best in inspiring tresures I end a night visiting you.

    Thank you colette for keeping us amazed!!

    Happy Valentine Love

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweet friend. Your cabinet de curiosite is charming and complete with wonderful memories. Your walks on the beach yield amazing little treasures. So lovely to see how your dd is growing up, it happens so quickly. Thank you for the lovely post, it is always such a pleasure to visit you.

  5. I am fairly certain the stone heart belonged to my First Love.

  6. That's what you call putting your heart on the shelf. It's a pretty heart. I love that rugged beach ~ pefect for fossicking for shells.
    Have a wonderful heart day.
    "All Things French"

  7. Ohhh wonderful images Colette, wishing to be in summer.
    Have a happy day too ,

  8. What a wonderful collection - all with memories attached. Have a wonderful evening eating sushi at the river. I think the weather this evening will be perfect! X Sharon

  9. Very lovely and interesting collection!

    I particularly love the ammonite, shells and any kind of special drift wood.

    Happy Valentine's Day Colette!


  10. Hoy con algo más de tiempo que de costumbre y encontrándome algo mejor, me he dejado llevar y he visto blogs de amigos a los que suelo leer y vuelvo a entrar en otros que me han dejado un buen impacto, así di con el tuyo, que me llamó la atención y me detuve a ojearlo y finalmente no me arrepiento de haberlo hecho, ha merecido la pena.
    Un abrazo


  11. You have a lovely collection of treasures there Colette. What a sweet comparison of your little one's journey to the beach, I love it!

    Happy, happy ♥~day to you too.

  12. What a lovely place!! I love all your bits and peaces, they are both wonderful in form and colour and must be an inspiration every time you look at them.
    Your little girl looks adorable and what a splendid place to play.

  13. Happy Valentine's Day Colette! What a nice visit....thank you! Love all your curiosities! XO Trish

  14. I need a place to stash all my little stuff too, love yours! Have a very lovely Valentine's Day too Colette!



  15. ok! i want to stay here forever!
    LOVE your blog and pics!
    i would galdly have all of that!

  16. You know how much I love Le cabinet de curiosites ..
    It is lovely

  17. Oh what a wonderful post...I so love anything from the sea...its the first thing I do when we go to Ireland...all the best! Chrissy

  18. Hoy me he dedicado a ser honesta conmigo misma y a dar las gracias a tod@s los que me habéis animado y apoyado en estos días.
    Antes le comentaba a una amiga, que no imaginaba una acogida tan cariñosa y buena por vuestra parte, realmente me parecía hasta una tontería hablar de mis sentimientos,mis recuerdos y su relación con la gastronomía, pero veo que por variar, me he vuelto a equivocar,
    Vuestras respuestas me han ayudado mucho, me siento mejor por dentro y hasta diría que también por fuera.
    Dar las gracias es lo que quiero hacer y lo que estoy haciendo, por haberme dedicado unas palabras, por haberme ayudado.
    Hoy no mucho más, mi eterna gratitud.


  19. What gorgeous images...dreaming of Spring!!

  20. wow, I would love to walk down that path and explore that cabinet. Looks so special. Ps love you daughters bucket! XX

  21. I could spend hours nosing into your curiosity cabinet...and this wonderful blog.

  22. just to say:::::::::
    happy weekend


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