
Jul 3, 2010

Golden hues

Still settling in..getting back into routine after returning from our trip to France. Admin around the shipment on it's way and inspired to finish the unfinished it ever done?!.. The above collage is some gold colors from our home, and i'm thinking: Why is it that in winter I notice all the gold colors, and in summer months,  the silver and white get's all the attention...are you the same. On what colors do you focus when the season changes?..
 have a great weekend,


  1. Yes indeed! I focus on different colors on every season! For the moment I am decorating my home with green! Granny Smith apple green. Candles and flowers and napkins,... all in this green! In winter season I love to use orange and brown!

  2. Hello Greet!
    oh please share with us!..your summer apple greens. I can imagine the crispness and flirty "light" feel...Col x

  3. AnonymousJuly 03, 2010

    Hallo Colette,
    Yes I feel the same! Gold is a warm and rich 'color' for winter and the color of silver is giving me a cool feel in summer. Like in a garden - silver, white and dark blue, particularly when it's getting very hot. Well, for me - simply as that. In autumn and coming into winter month I prefer more the kind of pomegranate red together with the different red leaves from our trees and the first glint of gold in nature.
    But - summer just started. So, lets enjoy cool colors!
    Your 'golden' images are lovely and matching up perfectly!
    Have a wonderful weekend - Best wishes to South Africa from the Périgord - karin

    P.S. Sorry about my imperfect English. Living in 3 languages: "German-French-English"

  4. Hello Karin, your English is perfect - really. I like the idea of your added pomegranate. Col x

  5. Beautiful collage. I can't wait to see how you use your french finds!
    xo, Sherry

  6. I love your parisian finds! especially the antique golds - they seem to carry stories with them - so rich and elegant.
    I'm loving your site .
    Dianne xx

  7. Hi Colette,
    I also find the golden ones most adapted for the winter by his warmth, in summer I like to use the blue mixed with the white,
    Bss, and have a lovely sunday,

  8. Dear Colette,
    The next time you're in Paris let's have a coffee together -- or a verre or whatever you would like.

    Your blog is soooo beautiful.

  9. absolutely will do so- thank you Tish! have made a note in my "must do" for Paris - Col x

  10. Dear Colette,
    these are so beautiful pictures, thank you! Colours I like differ with the season, but the ones I wear are always on the more cool side, only deeper and richer in autumn and winter.

  11. I agree. In the summer season I seem to focus more on silver and cool colors like green and blue. Winters are more in the red, pink and gold hues. Your blog is beautiful and I have been following you and today became a "follower". I am fairly new to blogging and I would love you to stop by and say hello. You have a very beautiful blog.


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