
Jun 13, 2010

Montbazon-vide grenier

Sunday took us to a lovely little village -Montbazon- south of Tours.
 it was the  monthly Vide grenier and the sellers had set up tables in a parking lot next to the river.

people were rushing to get there...

If one is looking for french country porcelaine, everyday glasware, old linen and forgotten attic bibelots,this is the place you will find your treasures 

and on the side...some fresh produce..

leaving this area,

we are  heading towards the Dordogne, where I am visiting a Brocante  discovered on our previous travels. I hope to find more matisse, chanvre and monogrammed linen..
will share as we travel..

Colette X


  1. Lieflike blog wat jy het. Lyk asof julle drie heerlik kuier! Geniet elke oomblik saam. Hier in die Kaap is dit koud en die kreun van die Vuvuzelas maak my met tye baie bly en soms baie bemoerd. x

  2. Charming Colette! Pretty radishes...baskets of artichokes. And love the linen with the frame tucked in. Merci! Trish

  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2010

    Hi Colette,

    your blog is simply amazing! You have a great taste.
    I take a look at your blog every day!
    Thanks for your mail, you are a lovely Lady.

    Greetings, Babi

  4. J'ai habité Tours, il y a quelques années, j'ai adoré! Maintenant, je suis en Normandie,c 'est pas mal non plus :-)


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